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Xbox Live and PSN back online following Christmas day attacks

Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network are back online following the Christmas period DDOS attacks which saw both services suffer from issues for a few days. The attack was carried out by Lizard Squad, a group of ‘hackers' that threatened to take down Microsoft and Sony's respective online services earlier this month.

Over Christmas, many gamers were unable to access their console online services. However, Xbox owners faced less issues after Kim Dotcom bargained with the group, offering them lifetime Mega premium accounts if they stopped the DDOS attack.


Xbox Live service returned to normal swiftly on the 26th of December, while Sony's PlayStation Network continued to face issues for a couple more days. However, it does look like the drama is now behind us as both companies have announced that all services have returned to normal.

Unfortunately for Sony, this isn't the first time the company has had security issues. PSN was hacked some time ago, seeing the information of 77 million users fall in to the hands of criminals. This latest set back will likely worry some customers when it comes to trusting Sony with their data.

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KitGuru Says: Did any of you guys get an Xbox One or PS4 for Christmas? Were you unable to play on the 25th due to the DDOS attacks? 

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One comment

  1. “This latest set back will likely worry some customers when it comes to trusting Sony with their data.”

    That is bad phrasing which can easily cause a misunderstanding. A DDoS attack is not on the same level as a hack. Any script kiddie with a large enough botnet can take down any service, this doesn’t mean they have access to the data stored on the servers.

    I got a PS4 on the Saturday after Christmas, as little present from myself. I was really annoyed by the outage as it meant I couldn’t play SW4 with a friend on Sunday. At least I had the last of us to play.