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How you can support and help KitGuru

Seasons Greetings from myself and the KitGuru team,

It is that time of the year again and yes it is hard to believe that 2016 is almost over. Many of us are starting to wind down in preparation for the Christmas holidays. You may even be buying yourself something as a treat after a long, stressful year. A new processor, graphics card, or perhaps if you are lonely, an Amazon Echo. Nothing like a friendly robotic voice to keep you company on those long winter evenings, right? Alexa ‘Can you help me not burn the Turkey this year?'. No, she didn't really have a great answer for that one, unfortunately.

It would be fair to say that I don't often write these kind of posts on KitGuru but I frequently get sent emails and private messages from members of the public asking how they can support KitGuru and help fund our content – which is incidentally still completely free to everyone. We really don't accept donations from readers via paypal or bank transfer, but there is one thing you can do which would genuinely help us.

If you use an ad blocker, whitelist us. It really is as simple as that.


KitGuru doesn't host any ads that aren't hosted on our server system. This means we have complete control over all the advertisements you see – you won't be bombarded with adverts and rogue code tracking your every movement. We don't run ads with audio, we don't host pop up ads, pop under ads, or advertisements for a casino or gambling site. I get offered a lot of money to do so, but I always turn them down . When I created KitGuru years ago, it was always key to me that the readers have to come first.

KitGuru is still the site I wanted to build and its held true to what I wanted – all the years I have been running it. Have you ever read a review or news story on a website to see parts of the text in the article highlighted and underlined? If your mouse pointer hits this text you get a giant popup with links to external sources? That really grates with me. Again, I have turned all those companies down, and they email me almost every month asking if I will trust their external system. No, thanks.

All our ads are directly offered by key partners in the technology industry – companies such as (but not limited to) Seasonic, Corsair, Fractal, Razer, MSI, ASUS, Asrock, Netgear, Kingston, SK hynix, Aquatuning, Gigabyte, AMD and INTEL. If you visit KitGuru then it goes without saying that all these partners are directly relevant to you and your daily tech life. You won't see an advert for a growth pill, dating advice, or how to win big on Chubby's Casino. I am here for the new technology and we know you are too.

Thanks again for all your support in 2016, it has been a good year for KitGuru. As a way of thanks, be sure to enter our competition to win all the components to build a £3,000 PC (enter HERE). One lucky KitGuru reader is going to have a really big smile before this year is over.

Again, we have to thank all our partners for their very generous contribution – yes those companies whose ads you are not blocking any more!

If you have anything you want to say about anything related to KitGuru or have any feedback to offer, just email me at allan(at)kitguru.net. I will do my best to reply to everyone.


Allan ‘Zardon' Campbell
KitGuru Limited Editor In Chief/Managing Director

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  1. For those who don’t know, for EDGE users to add to allow list, load control panels > Click on Internet Properties, Privacy, Click on Settings button under for Pop-up Blocker, type in Kitguru.net in the address line, click on Add.

  2. So can I ask you to supply me with faster internet than. As here in my country the fastest I can get is 128KBS. Also 15GB of data is 182 dollars. I would love to white-list you guys. But im trying to save as much data as possible where ever I can. My pc has not been updated in a year.

  3. Nikolas Karampelas

    You are probably one of the very few sites I have disabled ABP and related options in my browser.
    I don’t mind ads, I want to see ads so I can inform myself about things I probably want to buy, but ads around the net are out of control lately…
    Heavy, intrusive, annoying… I tried to disable ABP and the likes a few month ago completely and the browser instantly crashed under the load of ads.

  4. I just disabled the ad blocker… but I really hate animated ads like the “Chillblast” one or the MSI one. That’s the reason I use an ad blocker…

  5. Animated ads are one of Satan’s worst (or greatest) inventions. Still, the eternal problem of deciding whether we want ‘free’ content; we all know what happens when a paywall is installed.

    Lots of consumers nowadays just think that because information should be free, the people who work to provide that information do not have to be compensated for their work. If a product is not scarce in the classical economical sense, you have a right to take it free of charge.

  6. I would be fine with an adblocker that just blocks everything animated. That would be an incentive for webpages to kill that crap, too.

  7. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj185d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash185DirectCompanyGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!mj185d:….,…….

  8. Thank you Nikolas. I appreciate your support with this.

  9. You’d think so. But I think it would just mean they are going to try to circumvent the blockers.