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Apple to suspend sales of LG 5K monitor over hardware issues

Late last month, LG’s UltraFine 5K monitors finally began shipping out to Apple customers but unfortunately, buyers of the $1300 monitor quickly discovered that the monitor didn't work as well as it should, particularly when in the same room as a wireless router. LG has since said that it is going to fix the problem but in the meantime, Apple has suspended sales of the monitor entirely.

LG announced its plans to fix last week but it seems that so many early models of the monitor are affected that Apple needs to stop sales until it can replace its current stock with newly manufactured 5K monitors with additional shielding to stop electromagnetic interference.

According to sources speaking with Business Insider, Apple has ordered that sales of LG's UltraFine 5K monitor for the MacBook Pro stop due to hardware issues with the monitor itself. These monitors will still be on display in Apple Stores but apparently new shipments won't begun for another six weeks or so.

KitGuru Says: This monitor has been getting hammered by poor reviews on the Apple Store due to its current issues so it makes sense for Apple to suspend sales while LG churns out a new batch. 

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  1. lg was too cheap to include 2 dollars worth of shelding and too cheap to inclued more then 1 connector ther should have been at leat 5 connectors for the price hdmi displayport dvi

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  3. The reason for the lack of connectors is actually due to the fact that this monitor is being solely marketed to buyers of the new MacBook Pro. Apple helped fund this monitor’s development and sells it directly as a solution to MBP buyers since the laptop only has one connector type on it.