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THQ is back! Nordic games rebrands itself as classic publisher

THQ, it's in the game. Or at least it once was, but now it's back! Nordic Games, the company that purchased up many of the IPs under the THQ brand when it went defunct in 2012, has now rebranded itself as THQ Nordic, resurrecting the old publishing house, at least in name.

“THQ Nordic represents a core approach of doing much more than ‘owning’ a highly competitive portfolio of IP,” the new THQ Nordic said in a statement. ““We cherish them, and align them with the very best development resources to expand upon them with the level of experience that communities and established fan bases expect and deserve.”


This could perhaps mean we'll see some re-releases, remasters and perhaps even remakes of some of THQ's most well loved classic games. I'd be down for a Summoner remake, but that probably means we'll see Red Faction make a comeback and Darksiders would be a prime choice for a third entry in the series.

As PCGamesN points out, Titan Quest wouldn't be a bad candidate either, since that dungeon crawl style of game is quite popular and it made a decent enough splash when first released.

THQ Nordic went on to say that it currently had 23 games in development, 13 of which have yet to be announced, so expect to hear some big news over the next few weeks.

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KitGuru Says: THQ might not have the greatest reputation of late, but it published some of my favourite games ever. Summoner, Wrestlemania 2000, Dawn of War and a number of others. It's cool to see the brand back, even if it is in a new guise. 

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