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Tag Archives: emails

Kim Dotcom alleges Clinton email scandal is just getting started

Although there's been a lot of political turmoil in the UK recently, with the U.S. presidential election ramping up, things are getting a little crazy there too. The latest scandal involves an email dump from the Democratic party, specifically relating to collusion with Hilary Clinton and according to Kim Dotcom, …

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Wikileaks drops 300,000 Turkish emails following purges

Wikileaks has managed to drop its near 300,000 Turkish parliamentary emails and documents, despite being hit with a sustained denial of service attack over the past few days. This comes in response to the purges taking place in Turkey following its recent coup attempt, which has seen thousands of political …

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Hillary Clinton’s emails are now searchable by all

For someone who has been quite vocal about wanting the U.S. to have the ability to break encryption, democratic presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, made quite an effort to hide her work-related emails on a private server. That server has now been opened up though, and as the State department wades …

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Google gave Wikileaks staffer emails to US government

One of the worst parts of the Edward Snowden revelations back in 2013, was that they explained how it was possible for the US and other governments to force companies to hand over information on their customers without telling anyone. And that's exactly what looks to have happened in the …

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Security firm outs Russian hack that stole a billion passwords

According to US digital security firm Hold Security, a Russian criminal group has perpetrated the biggest hack in living history, stealing over 1.2 billion usernames and password combinations from over 400,000 different websites, many of them high profile. As it stands, Hold is unwilling to divulge which sites were affected, …

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