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Tag Archives: terrorist

Social networks, tech firms to block ‘extremist’ images


Some of the world's biggest technology firms are going to share a database of image and video hashes for ‘extemist content' with one another, in order to prevent them from appearing on their various platforms. This is much the same system they use to tackle child pornography and although it …

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Daesh leak sees 22,000 foreign recruits profiled

The details of more than 22,000 international recruits of terrorist group Daesh, have been revealed as part of a leak by a disgruntled former member of the organisation's internal security team. Of the total, four were said to come from the USA, while 16 Britons were found as part of …

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FBI orders Apple to crack murdering gunman’s iPhone

Apple has been served a court order requesting that it break security on the smartphone previously owned by the deceased gunman behind the San Bernardino attacks last year. Apple however is thought likely to contest the order, which comes at a time when debates are raging around encryption and the government …

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Google to discourage radicalism through opposite search results

If you try searching for terrorist related, extremist material in the near future, you could find yourself instead being served links to sites designed to combat such ideas. Although Google claimed that it would still serve relevant content to those searching for terms that could be considered ‘damaging,' offering a …

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Game developer branded as a terrorist by letting agent

Be careful showing your landlady any screenshots you have from playing Defcon, as you could find yourself suspected of terrorism. That's the situation Henry Smith found himself in, after his letting agent saw whiteboard drawings he'd made to help figure out elements of a game he was working on: Global …

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