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Dell Inspiron One (All In One) 23 System Review

Recently we have changed our method of measuring noise levels. Ambient noise in the room is around 20-25dBa. We measure from a distance of around 1 meter from the chassis and 4 foot from the ground with our Extech digital sound level meter to mirror a real world situation.

KitGuru noise guide
10dBA – Normal Breathing/Rustling Leaves
20-25dBA – Whisper
30dBA – High Quality Computer fan
40dBA – A Bubbling Brook, or a Refridgerator
50dBA – Normal Conversation
60dBA – Laughter
70dBA – Vacuum Cleaner or Hairdryer
80dBA – City Traffic or a Garbage Disposal
90dBA – Motorcycle or Lawnmower
100dBA – MP3 player at maximum output
110dBA – Orchestra
120dBA – Front row rock concert/Jet Engine
130dBA – Threshold of Pain
140dBA – Military Jet takeoff/Gunshot (close range)
160dBA – Instant Perforation of eardrum

The system is very quiet under general use, hovering between 30 and 33 dBa. Under strictly forced conditions we managed to get the fans fully loaded and we recorded around 41dBa of noise, which is clearly noticeable, but not really indicative of a real world situation. We would class this system as quiet and not at all intrusive.

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  1. Christ that must have taken quite a long time to handle that review Zardon. I thought this system would have sucked, but the information, testing and videos really painted a good all round picture. Its really very impressive. id go for this over an Imac anyday. (well apart from the 2560 resolution version!)

  2. PLANTS V ZOMBIES OMFG ! I need to get this machine, just for that awesome game !!!

  3. You seem to like Dell products here, ive never owned one, but some of your reviews make me consider some of their products. this looks really great, have to say.

  4. This is like a cheap imac with a touchscreen. cant be bad to that. sound quality really impressed me from that video even via a little camera.

  5. I read another review of this last week and was sold then, im doubly sold now. just need to get the cash together for my son in the new year. its not too expensive really, but funds are tight at this time of the year. he will love it. great article thanks.

  6. That was such a great read, seriously. I dont think I could live with a touchscreen, i get annoyed with even a hair on my screen, nevermind slimmy fingerprints all over it.

    Hey reviewer, clean your hands, that screen was minging ! 😉

  7. I always buy Dell laptops. they might be bland, but they last forever. well mine always have.

  8. Well I gotta point out that I dont think ive seen Dell ever get a bad review here, but after reading this, it would be hard to say it sucked, so much evidence in favour of the product. I think it looks really good, but it will take more than this to make me love dell. nice review however.

  9. Heh, this is great for a family. I could see the whole family sitting around this having a laugh at the weekends. Nice one Dell thumbs up.

  10. Hey what handheld camera are you using? thats some serious sharpness considering. I need one of them for my own projects. what is it ? pic info shows a Nikon D300S on the images? you using that for videos? if so, im shit outta luck, that costs a fortune.

  11. Dell normally make me go ‘bleh’, but they might have a winner here. looks very well priced. hard to beat that for the price. core i3 would be enough really, 180 quid extra for the i5 and more memory seems pointless.

  12. Very interesting and well documented article indeed. As Dell agents didn’t know, maybe you could tell me which Inspiron One 23 models have the HDMI/VGA/composite ports, please. Only the £879 one? I believe mentioning it in the article would be very useful (at least it would help me very much).

    Thank you.

  13. Very good review .
    I appreciate the work done.

    I have a small doubt regarding this product,
    Is Dell AIO useful for softwares like Auto Cad , Solid Works, and MATLAB