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Windows 10 on track to launch in July

It looks like Microsoft is marching towards the final stretch of the Windows 10 technical preview as according to sources close to Microsoft's plans, the new operating system is on track to launch for PCs in July. This isn't the first time that we have heard this potential release date either, as AMD's CEO, Lisa Su, noted the launch window during an earnings call back in April.

Microsoft has not yet officially commented on the matter but it has admitted that Windows 10 development has progressed faster than it had anticipated thanks to the sheer amount of feedback and help with the technical preview program, which launched in October last year.


Speaking to The Verge, sources familiar with Microsoft's plans have said that the operating system is on track for a July release date. One of the specific launch dates currently being considered is the 29th of July. Additionally, Microsoft is trying to finalize the code for the end of June, in order to give PC manufacturers a head start with creating pre-built systems.

We still don't know if Microsoft will make this release date but for now, the end of July seems like the right time frame. Those running official versions of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 will be getting the operating system for free as long as they upgrade within the first year. There was some confusion surrounding upgrades for pirates but Microsoft has since clarified that non legitimate copies of Windows will not be eligible for the upgrade to Windows 10.

However, pricing has yet to be announced and Microsoft has teased some “attractive options” for those who have yet to purchase Windows legally. Windows 10 will be launching for mobile devices and the Xbox One later in the year.

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KitGuru Says: It looks like Windows 10 could be upon us sooner than we expected. Are any of you running the technical preview? Do you think it is close to ready for an official release? 

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  1. Can’t say I’m impressed so far. The technical preview I downloaded just felt too alien to me. It feels like since XP, each iteration of windows has become dumbed down. All these apps, flashy animations and things, I don’t want. I don’t want to have everything interconnected to social media etc. What I do want are options and the control from previous versions which are either a pain to now find or just aren’t there. Unfortunately I will have to get it at some point for the support and features that are essential. I just wish MS would give me the option to make it feel like XP/7. Looks like I will keep a 2nd drive with win7 on as my daily driver and use 10 when I have to.

  2. Don’t bother, the market will produce some tools to bring Windows 10 the earlier Windows interface back 😉

  3. Demon Highwayman

    I have a strong feeling that MS will pull something out of the bag a year or two down the line preventing ‘upgrade’ owners from going back and forcing a subscription on all users. So I will give win 10 a try after reading reviews and hearing users feedback, but I won’t be ‘upgrading’ from win 7, i’ll buy a new copy so I have a fallback if it’s needed.

  4. Agreed. I got the start menu back and boot to desktop instead of Metro. I never see the sob!

    I haven’t tried a W10 beta yet (i’ve seen videos), but I will be getting it. I may even be one of 10 people that picked Vista SP1 over XP. lol

  5. wont happen. They earn the most money from corporate customers, for whom windows 10 will not be free as usual.

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