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Windows 10 Technical Preview gets first feature update

Microsoft's Windows 10 technical preview has received its first big update, adding in just over 7000 OS tweaks alongside new features like the notification center. The technical preview originally launched around three weeks ago, Microsoft has been quick to invite enthusiasts to try out the new OS and offer suggestions for future improvements in an effort to avoid another ‘Windows 8 scenario', where many choose to avoid upgrading due to new design choices.

Microsoft's Gabe Aul introduced the new update in a blog post, saying: “This is the first update build to Windows 10 Technical Preview, and we’ll continue to deliver more as part of the Windows Insider Program. Sometimes they’ll be more frequent and sometimes there will be longer gaps but they will always be chock full of changes and improvements, as well as some bugs and things that are not quite done.”


Microsoft is pushing out these updates almost as fast as it makes them, Gabe notes in the blog post that the Windows team only got the latest build around a week ago and its already being pushed out to technical preview testers. Our own reader feedback has also suggested that the OS performs fairly well and is relatively stable, although we would always suggest only installing an OS preview on a secondary machine.

Some known problems in the latest build include Solitaire and Mahjong games not working, dual display setups may run in to issues when unlocking the PC and the UI isn't quite up to scratch in some limited areas like Internet Explorer. However, several additions have been made such as the notification center, which can sync up with Windows Phone devices, a new animation for switching virtual desktops and you can now decide how often you want Windows 10 to update with new builds.

You can download the Windows 10 Technical Preview, HERE.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: We've heard from a few of you that are actively testing Windows 10 already, so we would like to check in with you guys again- have you installed the new build yet? How are you finding the preview so far? I'm a little tempted to test it out myself, are any more of you guys planning to check it out? 

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  1. The only change I want is the option to remove apps I’ve tried but didn’t like instead of them just sitting in Your Apps using up space.

  2. That has been an available option since Windows 8! Right-click on the tile of the App you want to un-install and select Uninstall.

  3. Is this particularly stable? I only have one computer and i need it for work

  4. The preview has an expiration date in mid-2015. This is also a beta, therefore no-one recommends installing it on your primary machine. It could easily go south with one update being pushed out and crash altogether. You could lose everything and have to start over from scratch. There are too many risks to justify installing this on your primary, needed machine.

  5. I am using the first build with no problems. Works great with Office 2013. Only downside is I can’t install Norton anti-virus. Malwarebytes fine. Haven’t tried it with driver-required hardware either.

    As far as data loss concerns I just keep all my documents in the cloud or on my external HDD.

  6. look for windows update under search and when you get there their is a option preview builds click that option and it will update to new build.

  7. not really you can backup your windows.old file on a flash drive and re install windows 8.1 and have all settings and data or you can after a failed preview re install previous tech preview if you still have the install I also keep all pertinent data on a hard drive other then my boot drive as this has been recommended by tech nerds for years. so being hard and risky is all dependent on how knowledgeable you are on your computer. Also you could partition a HD so you have one boot for tech preview and one for windows 8.1 I mean I never thought I would have to explain such simple things in this computer oriented age. This is easy with windows 8.1 because you have dameon tools to. Anyone worried about a tech preview should not install it in the first place. That was said when you went to install. Also if you don;t know how to secure your data, and I don;t mean on the cloud cause that is so hacker friendly, then you best put your computer away and get a typewriter. Sorry to say but most people here have used a computer for more then 5 years and most young adults since they could sit in a chair no excuse for limited knowledge and know how.

  8. Well okay, let’s just treat everyone like they’re stupid. Not everyone has had a computer since they were 5. A lot of people don’t know what any of those terms you used even are, let alone how to go about doing them successfully. Someone who is asking if it’s safe to use obviously doesn’t know about all that stuff otherwise they wouldn’t be asking the question. I know we are the glorious PC master race but instead of being an asshole to people who don’t understand, how about you help them understand better?

    Go run your super pretentious and douchey computer shop somewhere else.

  9. Nope trust me I’ve tried everything. It even went through the install process once but got errors and reverted back. I think my BitLocker has something to do with it.

  10. I’m gonna have to install Windows 10 technical preview sooner then I thought.


  11. Lmao you really are an idiot I upvoted because you made me laugh. Your on a tech news site, users are expected to have a reasonable level of competence.

  12. “Can’t install Norton Anti-Virus”
    Pick one.

  13. Reported for linking your blog. Stop spamming….

  14. I want to remove then not just uninstall them, have you been into the Store and the under Your Apps all the apps you don’t want anymore are there, they’re the ones I want to remove from my account.