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Little Devil Inside is a beautiful Greenlight RPG

Even though many game developers like to continue the march towards an inevitable day when graphics will become truly photo-realistic, often a title can feel much more engaging if it has a unique art style instead of one designed with the real world in mind. That's certainly something Little Devil Inside has. It's a new Greenlight RPG that's causing quite the buzz for its beautiful style and exciting mix of gameplay elements.


It's only been on Steam's community focused Greenlight platform for a few hours, but already the game has amassed hundreds of votes and comments and looks very likely to make it through the process in the near future. One quick look at the main gameplay trailer and you'll see why: [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEjRTx_tvnE']

This is no early concept stages game. It seems very playable and contains enemies big and small to fight, a variety of environments and tasks to perform. It features cooperative elements, with the chance to meet other players in the wilderness, and a mission structure that is designed to encourage straying from the beaten path.

“Mini-missions,” and randomised events will also take place throughout the game, keeping you on your toes, with the player given a mix of melee and ranged weapons to counter any deadly threats – of which there are many. Some of them involve basic survival too, so players will need food and other resources to keep going, though it doesn't appear to be a major component of the game.

Little Devil Inside is currently stated as being in the pre-alpha stage of development. If you want to lend your vote to the Greenlight process, you can do so here.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: It's not even finished yet and already I think this has one of my favourite art styles in a game, ever. 

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  2. Looks gorgeous. Kinda reminds me of Grow Home

  3. done , I love how this game looks , anticipating hours of fun

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