Home / Professional / Development / Rust’s lack of gender choices is bugging some players

Rust’s lack of gender choices is bugging some players

Picking your character's gender in-game is something offered by a lot of titles without a sex-specific story to tell, helping people feel represented in-game. However Rust, by Garry's Mod developer, Facepunch, does this in a more naturalistic style, by assigning players a gender based on their Steam ID and doesn't let them change. This has some gamers rather riled up.

Although this is something that players have complained about before when initially implemented last year, this latest round of gender assignment comes with the introduction of new player models, wiping servers and blueprints for a fresh world to explore.


But not everyone is happy with this and Facepunch has addressed it in a new blog post:

“We understand this is a sore subject for a lot of people. We understand that you may now be a gender that you don’t identify with in real-life. We understand this causes you distress and makes you not want to play the game any more. Technically nothing has changed, since half the population was already living with those feelings. The only difference is that whether you feel like this is now decided by your SteamID instead of your real life gender.”

It's not all necessarily about the gender of the character though, but how they look. Fortunately for those people at least, Facepunch founder, Gary Newman, has said that as tweaks are made to the player models, faces may change. But whatever changes are made, will (for now at least) come from the developer, not players.

This is quite counter to a game like Black Desert, which has drawn a lot of praise from gamers and critics for its incredibly deep character creator.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: How do you guys feel about random gender assignments in games? It seems like an interesting way to do things and certainly is quite life-like. 

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  1. Emanuele Notarbartolo

    In Rust the gender is only for appearance with absolutely no difference between the 2 genders and is completely random so i think is a good idea in a survival game without any quest, background or plot. In other games random gender assignment can be harder without falling in sexist attitude or prejudice but it can help to explore a story from two different point of view.

  2. I think it’s a great idea and I wonder if the people complaining can see any kind of parallels with real people who feel they were born with the wrong gender. I mean that would probably be asking a bit much of gamers, seeing as they aren’t the most progressive bunch much of the time, but you could see it as an interesting experiment in attitudes.

  3. Thanks for putting all gamers in the same hat.

  4. Am I wrong?

  5. Yes.

  6. So we should all be put in wrong buddies because extremely small percentage of people suffer through that? this new sense of political correction and SJW is becoming disgusting.
    If you’re a game developer don’t fight your SJW battles through me.

    Also thank you for generalizing gamers, you proved my point that you’re indeed a SJW, this is not tumblr pal.

  7. As a dude that now has a female character, it doesn’t seem like a 50/50 ratio, I’m still an odd seen for some, and some even try to keep me in their rape chamber…sigh

  8. Lololol you just proved my point actually, FO.

  9. Your point was “All gamers are dicks and don’t understand the struggle”

    There is no such thing as “born with the wrong gender”
    You think someone is up there where the semen fertilize and says ” huh should I make it boy or girl hmmm ” and then you call it “Wrong gender ?”
    You were born with the right gender that you were supposed to be
    It was just wrong for you.

    You can be whatever you want thanks to sex changing surgeries now, glad thats a thing people can experience to feel like they are who they truly are.

    but that should NOT be included in god damn video games, unless if thats what the dev wanted, to make a game that is open for that side, where you can pick gender ” male, female, panesexual” I put panesexual there because I actually saw a lot of “Pansexual” idiots that refers to their gender as panesexual when its actually a sexual preference not a fucking gender, which just proves that theres a group of them that just really does it for attention and its sickening

    Point is, the game designed you a gender you don’t like ? quit the game and refund it or deal with it like everyone else who’s not a complete butthurt by everything.

    The only possible scenario where i’d hate being a female in a game “Im a male”
    is if that game had a full female/chickflick type of story if you choose that character but rust treats you all the same so yeah … frigging deal with it.

    tired of dev’s caving in to SJW’s, the game is their own creation and they can do whatever the hell they want.

  10. “Frigging deal with it”

    Couldn’t have put it better myself.

  11. Nice rebuttal.

  12. What a sensible and mature comment, sarcasm aside I didn’t expect better from you in the first place to be honest.

  13. Jeannettejtorre4

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  14. Go back and read my original comment and then be quiet.

  15. And I replied to your “original comment” and that was your reply to it.
    Your attempt at trolling is as abysmal as the quality of your replies.

  16. Sup troll.