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FBI recommends against charging Hilary Clinton over email server

The FBI has announced that at the conclusion of its investigation into U.S. presidential candidate, Hilary Clinton, over her use of an unsecured private email server while Secretary of State, that they it would not recommend indictment. Although the justice department may pursue a conviction any way, it seems quite likely now that Clinton has skated.

Hilary Clinton's use of a private email server while serving as one of the highest ranking members of the U.S. government has caused a lot of controversy. There were claims from hackers that they infiltrated the system, that Russian and Chinese state sponsored actors may have gained access and there were many examples of Clinton breaching security protocols by using the service.

Despite this negligence though, the FBI deemed after its investigation that it wasn't wilful. While that isn't necessary for criminal charges, the presumption is that that makes it hard to imagine a prosecutor securing a conviction – especially against someone so connected and financially stable as Clinton.


Source: Telegraph

Although speculative, analysts believe that if the FBI were to recommend a indictment, it would threaten Clinton's presidential candidacy come the general election later this year and if it were unable to convict her, it would be one of the biggest gaffes in the FBI's history.

That doesn't mean that the FBI doesn't think any wrongdoing took place however. During his address, FBI director James Comey was highly critical of Clinton and her staff. He described a culture that was either ignorant or flippant about digital security and that that would need to be addressed in the State Department. In total more than 100 classified or secretive emails were sent without security through the server, occasionally at the request of Clinton herself.

The Clinton campaign released a statement shortly after the press conference, that said it was glad the investigation was behind them, this was just fuel to the fire for republican presumptive nominee, Donald Trump. He said that the lack of recommendation to indict from the FBI proved that the system was rigged and that the establishment had been against other democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders, from the start.

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KitGuru Says: It's pretty crazy that someone like Edward Snowden can be effectively exiled and considered a traitor for releasing secretive documents in an effort to blow the whistle on illegal spying, but doing so through negligence as a presidential candidate, means no charges will be brought.

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  1. can’t charge her because if she was then trump would become president. its the lesser evil in this situation.

  2. Both candidates are awful imo. I think we should be single for a while lol

  3. sadly the children in congress can’t get anything done.

  4. That’s the reality of a divided country within a political system of majority rule with minority consent. Only if Republicans would cave and give the Democrats what they want…or Only if the Democrats would cave and give the Republicans what they want. You, others & I elect our representatives not to be someone who is swayed by the political winds & nationwide pressure, we elect them to vote according us the local people who elect them and the people are divided, do you want you’re candidates to give up their positions? I don’t.

    Gridlock isn’t a failure, it’s a failsafe. The problem is that self important politicians in Washington D.C., that are detached from the direct scrutiny of those that voted for them are trying to push nationwide policy that impact states that are not their own, rather than fighting for their state to solely dictate their own policies.

    Rather California dictating policy in Texas and Vise-Versa why not empower California where clear Democratic Majorities are present to dictate the policy these citizens want to create for themselves, likewise, why not empower Texas where clear Republican Majorities are present to dictate the policy these citizens want to create for themselves.

    We could have 50 State experiments to show what works, what doesn’t work rather than have a top down single experiment on our social and economic policies dictated by people who’ve never held a legitimate private sector job.

    We can see what works, what doesn’t work looking at actual IRS data.

  5. would much rather see the two sides working together instead of one side caving, at this point its political suicide to even suggest that the other side might have a solid point. but that’s tied more into the broken election system that favors a two party system and encourages incumbents.

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  7. There’s a really simple answer to that problem that doesn’t require either side to compromise their values, to ignore the platform they were elected on, it’s called empowering the 10th Amendment, returning these discussions back to the state level. The truth is that the GOP isn’t about destroying liberalism. If California & NY want to be liberal states go for it, but don’t be making nationwide demands of conservative states. Allow people to vote for the gov’t they want with their feet. It’s so darn simple.