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Rockstar finally comments on potential Social Club hack

Grand Theft Auto V has been out for a week now on the PC but it hasn't been without issues. Last week it was reported that Rockstar's Social Club service, which is the hub for GTA V and its multiplayer, may have been hacked with many claiming that their accounts had been accessed by someone else.

Rockstar has finally commented on the issue, stating that the Social Club had not been breached but did note that a third-party site clearly has been, although it didn't name it specifically. In a statement sent to Kotaku, the developer also said that “attempts have been made to access user accounts using email and password combinations from an unaffiliated, compromised website or database elsewhere on the internet.”


It is possible that the email and password combinations being used originated from the Twitch hack that happened recently. Although it could be somewhere else entirely. As a result, you should probably change your password just to be on the safer side of things.

If anyone was unfortunate enough to lose their account, then fear not as Rockstar is in the process of reverting them back. If any of you are experiencing issues, then its probably a good idea to get in touch with Rockstar support, although people have had varied success with them.

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KitGuru Says: So there you have it, the Social Club has not been breached but there are scammers out there with a database worth of stolen user information being tried out on multiple sites. Have any of you guys experienced issues with the GTA V Social Club since the game's launch on PC? 

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  1. Good spot, I’ve gone ahead and fixed it.

  2. I’ve been waiting since the 15th to get my account back 🙁

  3. After the first article I tried to change my password and when I tried to play the game I got a social club log in page on the launcher which I expected but I couldn’t sign in before I had enough time to type my log in details it would freeze up. Took me halfway through the next day to get back in the game by changing my password back and waiting till the next day to get in cause it was still broken after changing password back. Also my support ticket was completely ignored.

  4. Got my game through greenmangaming. If thats the site they are talking about then I wouldn’t doubt it any. My accounts been compromised since yesterday 10 minutes before they broke this news >.>

  5. adding 2fa for your account info would solve all this.. its stupid its not there already.

  6. 2fa?

  7. 2 factor authentication.. before you can change your email or password or secret question the system will text or email you with a link or code.. steam has it, as well as origin.

  8. so… I checked back after posting this and the ticket I submitted almost a week ago was replied to an hour or so ago >.< lol

  9. Still not as bad as EA. I once asked them for some help with an issue on Bad Company 2 where I couldn’t log in because of an error. I put in my ticket, and waited. A week later I got the first reply with some VERY vague information and a couple of questions. I replied immediately with all the necessary information. Over a month later I got a reply saying that they couldn’t solve my issue and that my ticket had been elevated to the next level of support. I never got another message.
    It’s still broken today. This was well over 2 years ago.

  10. Been waiting since Apr 18th to get my account back.

    And I was “lucky” in that I managed to get into my account as it being edited by the hacker, so I got a screenshot of the new email, etc… and R* asked me for that new email as part of the ‘proof’ of the account being compromised. I found that odd as , if I hadn’t been lucky enough to get in and see it, that is info I would have no way of knowing.

    That said, I had all the necessary info, gave it all to R*, and yet here I sit many days later, unable to access the game.

  11. Agreed. It’s crazy that it isn’t done that way. I had no chance to refuse the edit. Not only that, I didn’t even get notification of any change. I found out by fluke.

  12. Been waiting since the 19th when i contacted them. Still no solution from rockstar.

  13. oh yes, def. You would think as many companies get hacked these days that it would be a standard in todays market. Like theyre fine and dandy with online DRM, but god forbid if they add basic account security…

  14. Still waiting since the 15th to get my account back, Rockstar says it’s investigating but I’m still waiting..

  15. 2015 and gaming companies still dont have authenticator apps for their games…

  16. This is exactly why they shouldn’t even bother with their own DRM. They should leave it to the pros at Steam.

  17. My account was hijacked on the 17th and I’m still waiting for a fix from RockStar. This is bullshit. I’m so sick of DRM causing problems for the honest gamer. All thieves can die a slow, painful death!

  18. well it was just a generic copy/paste reply asking for more info all but 1 of which I’d already given in the original ticket and since giving that item of information I’ve yet to get another reply…