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Dying Light PC specifications revealed

The minimum and recommended PC specifications for upcoming Zombie game, Dying Light, have been released. Originally, the spec sheet on Steam recommended 16GB of RAM alongside a GTX 780 or R9 290 graphics card. However, the page has since been updated to reduce these specifications a bit.

The minimum spec requires a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or 8, 4GB of RAM, an Intel Core i5 2500 or an AMD FX-8320 CPU. Users will also need 40GB of free hard drive space and an Nvidia GTX 560 or Radeon HD 8670 graphics card.


The recommended specifications are an awful lot higher, calling for an Intel Core i5 4670K, 8GB of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 780 or AMD R9 290 GPU. These high specifications are fairly similar to what we saw with Assassin's Creed: Unity earlier this year- and we all know how that one turned out…

Laptop variants of GPUs from both Nvidia and AMD are not officially supported, so those of you who like to game on the go might be out of luck.

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KitGuru Says: Judging from the recommended spec sheet, this game won't make full use of PC hardware. Obviously we will have to wait and see for ourselves to make any final judgement as these specifications might just be completely over blown but we won't know for sure until it releases. 

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  1. 16GB early rec? lol no I doubt many games will require that anytime soon lol

  2. “Intel Core i5 4670K, 8GB of RAM and an AMD R9 290 GPU”
    I’m laughing at the fact a game fits exactly my pc’s spec, I hope this game is decent enough to finally justify buying it XD

  3. kinda matches my pc specs.I have the 970 with 8gb ram and i5 4670k

  4. Specs being pushed up to make the consoles look better than they are yet again, meanwhile us PC users suffer from piss poor optimization.

  5. Jarred Pierce Jusselme

    Either this game is a beast that perfectly simulates a zombie world or it is REALLY bad optimized

  6. Is this another game that will run on an i3, but they don’t want to admit it because that will lose them ‘truly next gen’ self congratulation points?

  7. Same here. I’m already planning on upgrading the 290 to the next gen due to all this shit, even though it’s only been 8 months

  8. I bought a core i5 4670k, I have 8GB 2133 Ripjaw ram. Also I was hoping to get a r9 290 for christmas. But if I don’t I should be running this with a r9 270 D:

  9. so its going to be like acu and have specs way to high? lets hope it dont got all the bugs also

  10. I don’t get it, since PC have so much raw power compared to consoles, and today’s consoles are based on x86 so are the games, why PC versions have to be “optimized”? Can someone educate me on this?

  11. nice

  12. So console versions can actually make some money.

  13. PC hardware manufacturers has always held down their advancement so that the money each of the different hardware manufacturers who made the console hardware can get some profit out of it. They will milk the consoles for as long as they can before they will make more major advancements. And considering both MS and Sony planned on these consoles to be alive for 10 goddarn years… then we won’t get anywhere anytime soon… Well, at least until they can’t make any more software performance improvement anymore on the hardware.

  14. Hope it doesnt turn out like ac:u all over again.. Sli 780’s and 16gb 1866mhz ram with a 4770k ready and waiting for this game to drop

  15. A game must deserve its hardware requirements.

    With requirements THAT high, that game better be looking nothing short of absolutely fantastic! I’m more inclined to believe it’s a simple matter of laziness and unoptimized code than a game that is pushing the envelop hard. It’s either that or the game will run just fine on a C Core 2 duo 8400 overclocked to 4Ghz…

  16. What?! These specs are a bit on the mad side looking at the screen shots!

  17. You don’t need 16GB RAM for a game, 8GB it’s more than enough!