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HQV Benchmark 2.0 Analysis – ATi, nVidia and Intel

This second chapter focuses on the video processors ability to reduce noise throughout the image in a variety of ways. This is critical to giving a good, clean image as the human eye is very susceptible to picking up noise within a video file.

We need to check noise reduction features for all the graphics solutions on test today, and measure the results while ensuring that fine detail is not compromised. Image quality can be reduced by blurring and smearing techniques which means a reduction in the overall scoring. Many HDTV's have noise reduction features built in which can improve image quailty, but we have omitted this today to ensure we are correctly analysing the hardware and driver solution.

Highly compressed digital video displays artifacts on playback and these can appear as noise, blockiness or ringing on the edges of objects.

Sometimes it can be hard to see compression artifacts and the tests have moving items which can bring in judder and pulsating artifacts in the images.

Compression Artifacts: Bridge Traffic (Score either 5, 3 or 0)
Noise around the edge of the bridge and cars is significantly reduced and without loss of detail in either the road, structure, or vegetation. – Scores 5
Noise around the edge of the bridge and cars is somewhat reduced but not fully or some loss of detail in either the road, structure or vegetation. – Scores 3
No noise is reduced around objects or details are smeared or softened. – Scores 0

Intel GMA X4500 (G41)
Intel HD Graphics
ATI HD4200 (IGP)
ATI HD5450 (Discrete)
ATI HD5550 (Discrete)
ATI HD5770 (Discrete)
ATI HD5850 (Discrete)
ATI HD5870 (Discrete)
NV G210 (Discrete)
NV G220 (Discrete)
NV GTX 465 (Discrete)
NV GTX 480 (Discrete)
Bridge Traffic
0 3 3
0 3

This is a particularly demanding test and we noticed the best results with the high end ATI graphics cards such as the HD5850 and HD5870. nVidia cards did better with this test however are still outperformed by the ATI boards.

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