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UK Gaming Computers Styx Mini-ITX System Review

3DMark 11 is designed for testing DirectX 11 hardware running on Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The benchmark includes six all new benchmark tests that make extensive use of all the new features in DirectX 11 including tessellation, compute shaders and multi-threading. After running the tests 3DMark gives your system a score with larger numbers indicating better performance. Trusted by gamers worldwide to give accurate and unbiased results, 3DMark 11 is the best way to test DirectX 11 under game-like loads.



The Asus Turbo GTX 960 in the Styx performs very similarly to my own Asus STRIX GTX 960.

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  1. Doesnt look “mini” to me. Try harder.

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  3. adam (チキン許可)

    It says Mini-ITX. That’s the motherboard size.

  4. given the efficiency and the founders blower design, a 1070 option would be interesting.