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Tag Archives: Tempora

GCHQ wants even more tech-giant cooperation

One of the keystone shocks of the big Edward Snowden reveals last year, was that tech giants like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and many others had been forced into handing over information to the governments in the five-eyes intelligence alliance (USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada), without being able to …

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Snowden on those that say ‘I have nothing to hide’

Over the past year, the world has become much more aware of the way government's sniff out data on potential criminals: in short, everything is recorded. Edward Snowden's revelations about this have helped create a growing tide of disquiet with regards to overly intrusive surveillance and especially when it comes …

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Governments continue to lean on Google for user info

Despite the fact that the world and his dog are now aware of the PRISM program in the US, Tempora here in the UK, Xkeyscore around the world and any number of other invasive programs, thanks to the efforts of Edward Snowden and other whistle blowers, it seems that Governments …

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Worldwide ISPs and Privacy International go after GCHQ

GCHQ, the British intelligence agency that is responsible for Tempora, the UK's version of the NSA's PRISM spying scheme which hoovers up data on citizens and foreign nationals alike without permission, is going to have to defend itself in court, as a handful of internet service providers from around the …

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Snowden document courier branded terrorist

David Miranda, the man who was detained after trying to transfer thousands of secretive documents from ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden to his partner and Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, has lost his lawsuit against the British government and has ultimately been labelled a potential terrorist suspect, thanks to a very loose …

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Thousands of websites to protest mass surveillance

It only feels like yesterday that the world and his dog's website voluntarily blacked themselves out to protest the SOPA and PIPA bills, but while those bits of restrictive legislation are thankfully long gone, new threats have emerged. Today the problem is mass surveillance, with citizens of every country the …

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David Cameron wants the news to stop talking about Snowden

Barack Obama might have been pretty non-committal in his response to the Edward Snowden leaks about NSA and GCHQ spying on native and international citizens, but David Cameron has shrugged them off, suggesting that they shouldn't be a surprise to everyone, since TV detective shows are always using potentially illegal spying …

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UK legal advice claims GCHQ spying ‘illegal’

Legal advisers to the British government have told MPs that much of the surveillance that GCHQ has been taking part in over the past few years could be considered illegal and in breach of human rights, and was only possible due to vagaries in current legislation that have been obtusely interpreted …

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EU politicians back NSA blocking data drafts

The pressure is mounting for blanket data gathering organisations the world over, as members of European parliament (MEP) yesterday voted with overwhelming support to block the transfer of personal data to US corporations and agencies and tightened the law on digital privacy too. Under new draft laws, US companies operating …

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GCHQ might be spying on lawyer-client emails

While over in the states, the anti-NSA groups are beginning to find their feet, here in the UK the revelations of government spying are getting worse and worse. It now looks like intelligence agency GCHQ, might be spying on the privileged emails between lawyers and their clients. Alleged as part …

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Tech firms hit by EU complaints over PRISM data collection

Some of the tech firms embroiled in the PRISM scandal have been targeted by European data protection activists, in new complaints that suggest the likes of Facebook, Apple, Skype, Yahoo and Microsoft have broken data protection laws while cooperating with the NSA. The campaigners are part of Europe v Facebook and …

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