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Building a Core i7 HTPC with Sapphire Mini ITX H67

PCMark Vantage is a PC benchmark suite designed for Windows Vista offering one-click simplicity for casual users and detailed, professional grade testing for industry, press and enthusiasts.

A PCMark score is a measure of your computer’s performance across a variety of common tasks such as viewing and editing photos, video, music and other media, gaming, communications, productivity and security.

From desktops and laptops to workstations and gaming rigs, by comparing your PCMark Vantage score with other similar systems you can find the hardware and software bottlenecks that stop you getting more from your PC.

A clear indication of the overall performance levels, much higher than any other media center we have tested to date. A good early insight showing that the Sapphire H67 Pure Platinum Mini ITX motherboard is not holding back any of the hardware in the system.

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