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Tag Archives: money

4chan is going broke, may need drastic changes

Message board 4chan is in serious financial trouble and unless some drastic changes can turn the ship around, much of the site may need to close. The current owner told users on Sunday that the site may need to implement pop-up adverts, a cap on upload sizes and potentially even close …

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Uber hits the billion journey mark in just five years

Uber is laying claim to having completed more than a billion journeys with its ride sharing, app-based taxi service in just five years since it began operation in 2010. Although it has faced stupendous opposition from traditional taxi firms and transport authorities, and makes giant losses every quarter, it continues …

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Apple’s profits break all records for all companies ever

If you thought Apple was rich before, having the biggest, most financially settled company in the world, think again, as this year has eclipsed all others that came before it. In-fact it's eclipsed every single company's most profitable year ever, netting the fruity firm a staggering $53.4 billion (£35 billion). …

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Don Mattrick ousted from Zynga, stock bombs

When Don Mattrick made a pig's ear of the Xbox One unveiling, suggesting that users without decent internet should just buy an Xbox 360 among other things, no one thought he would be hired on by another large gaming company, but that's exactly what happened. Just a short while after …

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‘Penniless’ Dotcom asks court to release funds

Kim Dotcom is a larger than life personality, known for his extravagant displays of wealth as much as he is his entrepreneurial ventures and political aspirations. Still, while you can find plenty of pictures from the past decade showing him on private jets, with heavily modified cars and lounging in …

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CLANG Kickstarter has officially gone belly up

Remember CLANG? The last time we talked about it was almost a year ago, when it was announced that the historically accurate swordplay title had run out of funding, despite having surpassed its half million dollar Kickstarter campaign. Now though, after a year with no updates, author and project endorser, …

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Where does Kim Dotcom get his money?

One of the questions a few of you have brought up during our coverage of the seemingly endless build up to Megaupload founder, Kim Dotcom's extradition trial, is where exactly does he get his money from? Not the funds used to buy his cars and homes clearly, as that was …

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Youtube responds to Nintendo ad hijack complaints

Last week we reported on how Nintendo has been taking over the advertising of those making Let's Plays featuring games from the the Japanese firm, leading to all revenue from said videos heading eastward. Understandably many of the channel owners complained and Youtube has now got back to them. The …

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Nokia get $1 billion handout from Microsoft

Many analysts wondered why Nokia would refuse a partnership with Google, to form an alliance with floundering mobile maker Microsoft. Bloomberg Businessweek have released information which says that Microsoft are handing over $1 billion to Nokia. The Microsoft and Nokia deal has received a lot of negative press, especially as …

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