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Tag Archives: kickstarter

Hololibrary wants to make education virtual

If the Oculus Rift devkit was a baby step towards virtual reality, the consumer version set to be unveiled towards the end of this year, could be a giant leap. But it's not all about games and 3D movies, the Hololibrary kickstarter is hoping to make education three dimensional too. …

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Obsidian planning to unveil Kickstarter project

Obsidian Entertainment is said to be bringing a new licensed project to Kickstarter in 2014, CEO, Feargus Urquhart has confirmed. While speaking to Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Urquhart suggested that it might use the same engine as the studio's recent Kickstarter success, Pillars of Eternity. how to increase penis length The CEO …

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Australia is finally getting Kickstarter

While I'm not sure how much the rest of the world noticed – we were busy throwing money at our digitally discovered pipe dreams – Australia and New Zealand haven't been able to run their own, native campaigns on Kickstarter since the site's inception. That's all about to change though, …

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Mighty No. 9 makes $2.2 million

Mighty No. 9, the spiritual successor to Megaman, just hit $2.2 million on Kickstarter. This means the game will officially head to current generation consoles including the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PC, Mac and Linux. The game will play like a retro action platformer much like Megaman did, where you …

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Cryptozoic saves Kickstarter scam game

The Doom that came to Atlantic City, was an ironicly named game for a Kickstarter, since ultimately the story surrounding it became about the doom of the campaign itself. After over a year of development, the man controlling the money for the thing announced that the whole project had been …

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Climbing the Kickstarter mountain as an indie

Kickstarter success stories are nothing new. There are one man operations and massive companies alike that have benefited from the swell of interest and funds that come from a well run campaign. However, there's only so many times you can read a story about a new this or that getting …

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Can we light our world with glowing plants?

Environmental issues are still a hot topic in contemporary society, with companies and individuals the world over trying to find a solution for our energy needs, whilst balancing out damage done to the environment. One group of people believes the solution is genetic engineering and one method that could make …

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Remember BC? Someone is finally making it

After Black and White 2, but before Project Ego that eventually became the Fable franchise, Peter Molyneux worked on a game called BC. This was back in the early 2000s and I couldn't have been more excited about it. You were a caveman hunter, trying to survive and help your …

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Star Citizen clears nine million dollars

Star Citizen, the biggest gaming crowd funding success story, has now tipped the scales at over $9 million (£5.8 million). However only a small portion of that came from Kickstarter, the rest has slowly ticked up on the official site, half making you wonder if Kickstarter is even necessary any …

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Why Zach Braff’s Kickstarter doesn’t feel right

There's a big furore today surrounding Zach Braff's Kickstarter for his dream sequel to Graden State, a movie he directed and starred in that has a nice cult following. However he hasn't made a sequel of any sort since, apparently because he doesn't want creative control rested away from him. …

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Kinect add-on eye tracker doing well on Kickstarter


If you've been thinking that Microsoft's Kinect should be capable of tracking your eye movements as much as your hands and feet, well you're not alone. The guys from 4tiitoo are kickstarting a piece of kit called the NUIA eyeCharm, that slots over your Kinect and adds that tracking functionality; …

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Ouya unboxing video appears online

After several million in funding and months of waiting, fans of the tea cup sized, kick started console, Ouya, can now get their first look at what the development kit looks like. It's not the final version that gamers will receive but the dev kit, so there are a few …

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Cameron encourages Seedrs – no torrents in sight

The world divides a lot of different ways, male and female, young and old – but one of the most basic and long lasting divisions that's not related to genetics, must be ‘worker' and 'employer'. Boosting the technology industry means increasing sales, which means increasing employment. The Coalition seems to …

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iControlPad Kickstarter is going well

The Kickstarter funding campaign for the second version of the iControlPad, named the same with a simple “2” added to the end, is going very well, chocking up almost a third of its goal money in less than four days. At the time of writing, it sits at $41,623 with …

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Square Enix announces Ouya support

Ouya Controller

Square Enix has announced its intentions to support the Ouya console at launch, making the iPad and and DS version of Final Fantasy III available on the android powered home console at its debut. Currently still running through its Kickstarter campaign, the Ouya device is now approaching six times its …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “Analyzing Video Games on the Basis of Film and Literary Criticism (Part 1 of 2)” This post tackles …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

If you have missed our gaming coverage, then below is a recap of some of the more interesting editorials we have published in the last week. “IGN and the GAME British Academy Stream Annual Video Game Award Show this Friday” Check out the nominees for the video game award show. …

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