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Tag Archives: RIAA

Record labels sue new music streaming service days after launch

The RIAA was much faster than anyone anticipated this week, launching a lawsuit against new music streaming service, Aurous almost immediately following its launch. Aurous has adopted the Netflix model, much like Popcorn Time, offering songs on demand for streaming across devices, without any adverts, as featured in Spotify. The …

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CNET accused of hosting ‘pirate software’ by RIAA

Despite music revenue growing year on year as streaming and downloads make it easier than ever before for people to access (and pay) for the music they love, the RIAA and its fellow advocacy groups continue to see piracy as their biggest opponent. To that end, this week's attempt to …

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Grooveshark shuts down, apologises to everyone

Grooveshark was once upon a time one of the world's biggest music streaming platforms, with a peak user base over 30 million strong. However its near 10 years history has now come to a close, as with a looming damages payment in the hundreds of millions, the site settled with …

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RIAA claims Pirate Bay and others breach human rights

You know what the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and its contemporaries like the MPAA are fed up with? Their human rights being infringed upon. No, not because organisations like theirs are clamping down on freedom of expression by restricting access to information, but because those dastardly pirate sites are …

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Dotcom’s legal team ask to postpone MPAA lawsuit

When it looked like MegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom's legal team might actually win his extradition trial, the MPAA and RIAA announced new law suits to try and cripple his funding. Those suits are still ongoing today, but now Dotcom's representatives want them delayed, since once again, the extradition trial has …

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RIAA now gunning for not-for-profit audio site

The RIAA baffled many onlookers last week when it went after Reel Radio, a site dedicated to providing archived radio air-checks, where it demanded that archives not be online for more than two weeks and that the site get permission from all stations that originally aired the checks, despite many …

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RIAA lobbying closes radio archive site

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), is a lobby group that's most well known for going after torrent and streaming sites in order to prevent people from downloading music without paying for it first. While that doesn't give it the best image among many music fans, it does at …

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RIAA revenue just bottomed out

The Recording Industry Association of America draws its funding from membership fees, paid to the the copyright lobby group to help it police the music industry. Unfortunately for those involved with it however, it seems that the group is continuing to lose members left and right as once again its …

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Movie studios want to freeze Dotcom assets, again

It was announced last month that Kim Dotcom would be likely to regain all of his frozen assets, after New Zealand's high court ruled that it would not extend the foreign restraining order against them, thereby giving a real timeframe that would see Dotcom's cars, personal property like laptops and …

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MPAA and RIAA staff had 2TB of data on MegaUpload

One of the cornerstones of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and Recording Industry Association of America's (RIAA) case against file locker site MegaUpload and its founder, Kim Dotcom, is that the site was nothing to do with online backup of personal files, but was only a source of …

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RIAA wants Google to police music piracy even more

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has called once again, for Google to do more to prevent sites that contains pirated music content from appearing in its search results. It demands several ‘voluntary' procedures, including the further demotion of piracy related websites, education of users and removal of any …

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Biggest music pirates also buy the most music

Music Data

A new study by the American Assembly at Columbia University has presented more evidence against the copyright lobbyists' claims that pirates are the biggest music ‘thieves,' suggesting instead that those that download the most music illegally, tend to buy the most music as well. The research analysed the music listening habits of …

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RIAA funding continues to fall, making legal cuts

Copyright lobby group the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) has just released its 2010-2011 tax report and its revenue streams are not looking strong. Membership dues from music labels have dropped considerably, leaving the organisations with less than $30 million in revenue – almost half that of the year …

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