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Tag Archives: Snooper’s Charter

Investigatory Powers Bill passes without a hitch

Update: Following a vote in the House of Commons, MPs have passed the Investigatory Powers Bill with a majority of 444 to 69. With backing from both Labour and the Conservatives, the opposition from the Liberal Democrats, Green Party and the Scottish National Party failed to make much of a …

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Privacy International unveils staggering social surveillance in UK

Privacy International has managed to unearth thousands of documents which details decades of in-depth spying on British citizens by the country's intelligence agencies: GCHQ, MI5 and MI6. With minimum safeguards in place, those organisations have been snooping on British citizen's medical records, work histories and the online petitions they've signed, …

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Apple joins firms calling for block of Snooper’s Charter

It didn't take long for politicians to jump on the recent attacks in Brussels, as further evidence that the Theresa May driven Investigatory Powers Bill, more colloquially known as the Snooper's Charter, is needed. This despite many of the world's major tech firms claiming otherwise and now Apple has joined the likes …

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Investigatory Powers Bill re-drafted, more of the same

Yesterday saw the British government publish the latest draft of the Investigatory Powers Bill and though it promised to take into consideration the three committees that have attacked it, addressing their 100+ concerns, it hasn't. In many cases it has ignored major problems raised by various parliamentary bodies and has …

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Watchdog attacks government over Investigatory Powers Bill

The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) of Parliament, a previously rather quite organisation has stepped out of the shadows to lambaste the British government over its proposed Investigatory Powers Bill, often termed the Snooper's Charter. It claims that the bill “lacks clarity,” and wants to see privacy protections, “form the …

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Information commissioner attacks UK’s new Snooper’s Charter

Independent public data rights authority, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), has attacked plans by the government to push through the Investigatory Powers Bill, often called the Snooper's Charter. It claims that there is little justification for some of the measures it wishes to push through and claims that it weakens …

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Sky to introduce internet watershed for all new customers

Taking the initiative following the British government's interest in bringing forward the Investigatory Powers Bill, Sky has announced that it will be introducing its filtering system automatically for all new customers (it won't even ask first) and will even go so far as to instigate a watershed-like system. Before 9PM, …

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Nick Clegg to attack ‘Snooper’s Charter’

Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg is set to outline his and his party's continued distaste for the nicknamed, “Snooper's Charter,” after PM David Cameron announced that last week's terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine was a sign we needed greater digital security. The “Snooper's Charter,” or …

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NZ Prime Minister vs Kim Dotcom, who you got?

Internet mogul Kim Dotcom is set to go head to head with New Zealand's Prime Minister, John Key, this Wednesday, in an intelligence and security committee to discuss potential changes to the GCSB bill, which would give the intelligence agency increased powers for surveillance of NZ citizens. Essentially, it would …

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