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Tag Archives: Silk Road

Ross Ulbricht appeal kicks off with attack on corrupt feds

Convicted Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht has served a year of his double-life sentence without parole, but is now getting the chance to appeal his original conviction. The first step on that road is a big one too, as his legal team submitted a 140+ page document requesting the original trial …

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Silk Road investigating agent given 71 months in jail

As much as the judge may have thrown the book at accused Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, handing him a life-sentence for running the dark-net marketplace, some would argue that the corrupt secret service agents working the case deserve worse. The second of them has now been sentenced however and has been …

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Silk Road investigating officer pleads guilty to Bitcoin theft

One of the two agents accused of siphoning off Bitcoins during the investigation of the Silk Road dark-net marketplace, has pleaded guilty. Ex-Secret Service agent Shaun Bridges, 33, appeared in federal court and admitted to money laundering and obstruction of justice, having secretly moved over $800,000 worth of the digital …

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Bill S. Preston supports Ross Ulbricht with Deep Web

Alex Winter, the man best known to fans as one half of the Wyld Stalyns with Keanu Reeves, released a documentary this weekend called Deep Web. Described as the “untold story of Bitcoin and the Silk Road,” the film looks at the history of the online drug marketplace and its …

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Silk Road founder to face sentencing

The trial of Ross Ulbricht has been ongoing for well over a year at this point, with lawyers from both sides going back and forth in an attempt to prove and disprove that he was the founder and administrator of the Silk Road Drug marketplace. Now though, with him being found guilty …

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Meet Variety Jones, Ross Ulbricht’s secret mentor

When the online drug marketplace, The Silk Road, was shut down in 2013, it's now convicted owner, Ross Ulbricht was also arrested and charged with its administration, founding and other related crimes. However as information about the case has come to light, it turns out Ulbricht didn't figure out everything …

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Want to buy 50,000 Bitcoins?

Bitcoins sale

In a rare opportunity, thanks to the United States Marshals Service and Ross Ulbricht of Silk Road fame, you are now able to bid on 50,000 seized Bitcoins. These Bitcoins are currently worth around £7.7 million (or $11.9 million USD) and were seized from Ulbricht when the feds snatched his laptop away from him in a San …

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Alternate Silk Road owner evidence ruled inadmissable

The defence of Ross Ulbricht during his ongoing court case for owning and operating the Tor accessible drug marketplace, Silk Road, was dealt a blow yesterday, when evidence from an agent with the department of homeland security (DHS) that claimed Ulbricht was a fall guy, was ruled inadmissible by the …

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Ross Ulbricht defence to claim Mt Gox CEO was Silk Road founder

The case of the alleged Silk Road founder, Ross Ulbricht, took an interesting turn today, as the defence began cross-examining department of homeland security (DHS) investigator, Jared Der-Yeghiayan, who said under questioning that he had also investigated the last-owner of the Mt Gox. Bitcoin exchange, Mark Karpeles. He went on to claim …

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China to revolutionise trade with high speed trains

If there's one thing every Transport Tycoon player knows, it's that while ships and planes can be far easier to set up and use, requiring none of the infrastructure of their road based counterparts, they aren't very efficient ways of transporting goods. Planes are fast, but expensive and boats are …

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US is selling off Silk Road bitcoins

Back in 2013, the online, tor accessible drug marketplace Silk Road was shut down and its alleged owner, Ross Ulbricht arrested by the FBI and a collection of other policing organisations. On top of that though, the authorities seized around tens of thousands of bitcoins worth many millions of dollars. Yesterday …

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Silk Road admins pledge full scam repayment this week

Earlier this year, when the world's most recognised online drug's marketplace, Silk Road 2.0, was hacked and all of its users' bitcoins stolen, many considered it the death knell of the site and even the trade itself. Security and confidence in the site were torn asunder, as people came to …

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Dutch police down drug marketplace Utopia

When the US authorities used good old fashioned police work to take down the original Silk Road last year and arrest its alleged owner, Ross Ulbricht, it seemed like they'd dealt a serious blow to the online trading community, but it didn't last long. Within days alternatives had appeared and …

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Silkroad 2 listings top 15,000 – more than SR1

Law enforcement officers and federal agents the world over that are committed to stopping international drug trade no doubt held a big party when they shut down the original tor accessible drugs marketplace Silk Road back in September last year. They probably did so again as it first two successors, …

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Meet the owner of the new Silk Road – DPR2

If you've followed the story of the tor accessible marketplace Silk Road, you'll know all about its closure last year and the arrest of the alleged owner, Ross Ulbricht. However it didn't take long after that initial shut down for other sites to take its place, one of them being …

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Silkroad founder teaching Yoga in prison

Ross Ulbricht, the man who the authorities claim went by the name of Dread Pirate Roberts and founded and administrated the tor-accessible drugs marketplace, Silk Road, has begun teaching a yoga class in prison, with around five other inmates sitting in on his sessions. This news came from the official …

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Drama persists in online drug marketplaces

Taking a quick look at any of the comings and goings of online drug marketplaces over the past year will give you several different impressions. One is obviously that it's astounding how simple it is to purchase supposedly “controlled,” substances online with a little technical know how, but the second …

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Bitcoin value on way to record breaking – crash imminent?

Bitcoin is anything but a certain investment. Its value has climbed mountains and filled troughs more than most traded commodities over the past year, going from a near freely available curiosity for the tech savvy, to the £100 plus per-coin, digital currency it is today. Since Bitcoin's first big value …

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Black Market Reloaded downtime was just a hiccup afterall

Yesterday it looked like online drug dealing had been dealt another blow, as one of Silk Road's replacements, Black Market Reloaded, was taken down after a third party server vendor outed the site's source code, potentially giving the site's owner, Backopy, a real security problem. However, less than 24 hours …

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Silk road downed, Bitcoin price could tumble

The online, tor-accessible drugs marketplace, Silk Road, looks to have been taken down by US federal authorities, with a notice posted up on the main page stating as such. Further reports also suggest that the notoriously anonymous admin of the site, Dread Pirates Roberts (DPR) has been identified and arrested …

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Drug marketplace Silk Road hit by DDOS

The Tor accessible network that sells everything from fake IDs to heroin, Silk Road, has been hit with a DDOS attack according to admins. While some site service appears to have been restored in the past few hours, users are still reporting that it's near impossible to login. The news …

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